
Where do donations go?

Rather than giving flat, recurring donations to our nonprofit Partners, we're project-based and support projects from start to finish. Every donation is very well used! The majority of donations are sent to projects we and our Partners determine are most pressing at the time. 501 Collective has a small but efficient staff and other small expenses, so the bulk of what is received goes right out the door.

How do you choose Partners?

Each of our Partners go through strict criteria to become involved with 501 Collective. We like to partner with those our board already knows, both to make sure donations are used wisely and volunteers are sent off safely. All of our 501.c.3's are US-based but strictly work internationally with communities and people groups in need. Although we love animals, all of our work is people-focused.

Why do you only work internationally?

Trying to meet with donors and volunteers while you're living overseas is sometimes next to impossible ... that's where we come in. We love the work our partners are doing world-wide, so while they're out doing the heavy lifting we're back home advocating on their behalf. We're like the friends feeding their cat while they're out of town ... easy for us, difficult for them!

How is Covid affecting 501 C + Partners?

Apart from travel, it's business as usual for us. Our Partners around the world are working hard to continue their work through a global pandemic, and we're doing our best to stand behind them now more than ever.

Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes! All donations are tax deductible. Donations made directly on our website will receive an immediate tax receipt via email, or you may retrieve a copy at any time by going to your Donor Portal, here. All other donations such as checks or cold hard cash will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year, along with our extreme gratitude. You can donate Cryptocurrency, here.

How can I get involved?

So many ways! The most immediate and impactful would be a financial donation using our Donate button at the top of the site. Right now as we speak, our Partners are working around the world to better the communities they live in for generations, and every donation helps more than you could ever imagine. Volunteering on Serve Trips is another great way once the world opens back up! An easy, free way to get involved is to share 501 Collective with others.


What is the minimum age for trips?

Everyone is welcome! We have some trips specifically made for high school students; that's the youngest age we let travel without parents or a legal guardian. Otherwise, younger kids are welcomed on most every open trip when accompanied.

Is it safe to travel?

Incredibly! We only travel to places safe for everyone, but we'll point out if any point we feel a trip wouldn't be suitable for a younger person. Most places we travel feel safer there than walking through some cities in the US. Every trip will be hosted by 2-3 leaders, a local guide with us 24/7 and the majority of the time spent with our in-country partners.

What’s included in the trip costs?

Most everything is included from the moment you step into your home airport to the moment we land back home! All meals, lodging, transportation, excursions, travel health insurance and more. The main things not included are: any vaccines , personal medicine, passport, souvenirs and extra snacks.

Can I plan my own trip with my group?

Awesome! Absolutely! Businesses, groups and families are incredibly welcome to reach out and plan a trip to serve with one of our Partners. We almost guarantee this will be the most bonding experience your group will ever have, second to none ... all while learning and serving alongside others. Head on over to the Contact page and let us know!

What’s the point of going on a trip?

... wouldn't it just be better if I donated the money I was going to use for my trip instead of spending it on plane tickets, etc? That's a great question and one we hear often. The experience is literally life changing ... for you. Going to a different country, experiencing the culture, smells, food, walking through towns, meeting new people and understanding how they live is more than any picture or movie could ever convey. When one person goes and comes back changed, they're lifelong advocates for others.

Can we take photos of locals?

We’re not tourists coming in and snapping photos of any and everyone we see. Not cool. Don’t do that. You don't want a random person coming up and snapping a picture of you, never to see them again. We either know or get to know each person in each photo, including everything you see on our website. All our photos used by permission of each person photographed (or their guardians), and we'll continue to respect everyone we encounter on our trips.